This isn't Your Grandmother's Sherlock Holmes

Let's talk about our new products for a second. As we mentioned in our last post, we're starting a new line of items that feature classic novels with a twist. Call it a flip of the script, if you like, but what we are doing is reimagining our favorite characters from timeless classics form Black or LGBTQ communities as well as the many other Communities of Color. The marginalized voices in literature belong at the forefront of our favorite stories as equal partners in these tales, whether it means a Black Alice, a Peruvian Robin Hood, a trans Scrooge, or the Musketeers from all over the world (and all-female because, as Beyonce told us, girls rule the world).

You'll be able to find ways to show off these visualizations through mugs, apparel, prints, and more, as a message to everyone else that cisgender, straight white people do not own these stories, all of humanity does. 

The aim, however, goes beyond owning products reminiscent of these reimagined book covers but to raise the funding to build a program where writers representative of these very marginalized communities can receive commissions to write new adaptations with their own influence and to write books inspired by the traditional stories in whatever way they can imagine the stories going. It’s a foundation to not only transform Pride and Prejudice to include everyone but to build a new world of dynamic characters that are just like everyone else we’ve read about since grade school.

Imagine how excited a Peruvian would be to read about Robin Hood stealing from the governments to give to the poor, a regular disciple of the Bolivar himself. Or how a kid just coming out as non-binary discovers that they, too, can find love like Mx. Darcy does. These are the dreams we want to help become reality, and we hope you'll join us on this journey!