Points by Lisa Doyle

While Bethany's never fit into picture-perfect Snow Ridge, kindred spirit Ash moves to town her junior year and things finally start to look up. Except they keep finding themselves in romantic entanglements that range from disappointing to flat-out painful. They hit rock bottom after the winter dance and decide they need to flip the script on the systemic misogyny they've tolerated. But how?

The answer comes when Bethany stumbles upon a point system created by her charismatic older brother, who used it to secretly track and rate girls in order to gauge the perfect time to dump them. It's twisted. It's cold. It's a little bit perfect.

Bethany and Ash put the point system back into action and begin to take guys down a notch or six. Before long, their tactics, confidence, and message of female empowerment spread throughout the school. But, they learn firsthand that separating your head and your heart isn't so easy, and there's a fine line between justice and vengeance.

Can they stand up for what's right--without it all going wrong?

